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Classroom Rules

1.  RESPECT -- Treat everyone and everything in our class with respect.  Treat all computers, machines, and materials in the room with care, as if you want them to last forever. 

2.  PERMISSION -- Do not touch or use any piece of equipment without specific permission from your instructor. 


3.  Act appropriately and safely during the entire period. Understand that any displays of behavior that are deemed unsafe or inappropriate by the instructor may result in a loss of privileges (to use computers.)  Report any injury to your instructor immediately.

4. No food or drink in the class except a bottle of water.

5. Stay on-task during the entire period.  Be on time and in your assigned seat before the bell. No video games, Youtube videos, or off-task computer usage during class without specific permission. If unoccupied, do school-work from other classes, study, read a book, or other activities with permission.


6. No Cell-phone use during class. 

1st infraction - Mr. Kertay holds your phone for the period.

2nd infraction - Your phone is turned in to the office until the end of the day.

3rd infraction - Your phone is turned in to the office and a parent must pick it up.

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